How to setup a Docker Registry with Portus frontend proxied by NGINX so that both the Registry and Portus appear on the same hostname, all properly SSL-enabled using Let’s Encrypt.

We also use Let’s Encrypt (via certbot) to create signed SSL certificates so no docker client configuration is requried. The certbot RPM is available via EPEL and should be installed prior to starting.


  1. Registry images will be stored in /var/lib/registry/data on the host
  2. Let’s Encrypt certificates will be managed by certbot and stored in /etc/letsencrypt on the host
  3. certbot will use /var/lib/registry/letsencrypt on the host for validation
  4. Registry configuration will be stored in /var/lib/registry on the host
  5. Portus configuration will be stored in /var/lib/registry/portus on the host
  6. MySQL data will be stored in /var/lib/registry/mysql on the host
  7. NGINX configuration will be stored in /var/lib/registry/nginx on the host

These directories need to be created manually before starting any of the containers below.

Step 1: Base Configuration Replacements

  1. Checkout my GitHub repository to your local machine
  2. Replace all instances of your.registry.fqdn in registry/config.yml with the FQDN of your host.
  3. Replace all instances of your.registry.fqdn in portus/config-local.yml with the FQDN of your host.
  4. Replace registry.fqdn in portus/config-local.yml with just your domain name.
  5. Replace all instances of your.registry.fqdn in nginx/ssl.conf with the FQDN of your host.
  6. Replace all instances of your.registry.fqdn in nginx/proxy.conf with the FQDN of your host.
  7. Copy registry/config.yml to /var/lib/registry/config.yml
  8. Copy portus/config-local.yml to /var/lib/registry/portus/config-local.yml
  9. Copy nginx/*.conf to /var/lib/registry/nginx/

Note: To successfully configure the Docker Registry to use the webhook to notify Portus, the full Let’s Encrypt SSL chain including private key is required.

Step 1: Start the NGINX container

Use the following command to start NGINX:

docker run -d --name nginx --restart=always \
--link portus:portus \
--link registry:registry \
 -v /var/lib/registry/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d \
 -v /var/lib/registry/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt \
 -v /etc/letsencrypt:/certs \
 -p 80:80 \
 -p 443:443 \

Step 2: Use certbot to create the SSL certificates

Configure the EPEL repository and install certbot using yum. Then, use the following command to create Let’s Encrypt certificates:

$ sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/lib/registry/letsencrypt/ -d your.registry.fqdn

It is important to configure auto-renewal of your certificates otherwise your services will stop working. Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates are only valid for 90 days and must be renewed regularly.

Step 3: Start the MySQL Container

Use the following command to start a MySQL container to store the Portus data:

docker run -d --restart=always --name mysql \
 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=portus \
 -e MYSQL_USER=portus \
 -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=portus \
 -v /var/lib/registry/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \

This will initialize a MySQL database and generate a random root password. You will need to check the output of docker logs mysql to find the root password generated.

It will also create a database for Portus and a user named portus with the password portus. For security purposes, it is strongly recommended that you change this command-line to use a different password and then change the docker run command that starts portus to use the same password.

You could also use MariaDB by replacing the --name and switching to the mariadb:latest image.

Step 4: Start the Registry Container

Use the following command to start the Docker Registry:

docker run -d --restart=always --name registry \
  -v /var/lib/registry/config.yml:/etc/docker/registry/config.yml \
  -v /var/lib/registry/data:/var/lib/registry \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/your.registry.fqdn/fullchain.pem:/certs/fullchain.pem \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/your.registry.fqdn/privkey.pem:/certs/privkey.pem \

Remember that all the required directories must be created prior to starting the container.

Step 5: Start the Portus Container

Use the following command to start Portus:

docker run -d --restart=always --name portus \
 -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
 -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/ \
 -v /var/lib/registry/portus/config-local.yml:/srv/Portus/config/config-local.yml \
 --link mysql:mysql \
 -e MARIADB_USER=portus \
 -e PORTUS_SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(openssl rand -hex 64) \
 -e PORTUS_PORTUS_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 64) \

Note: if you used a MariaDB database or provided a custom username/password, you need to replace the default values in this command.

You should use docker inspect portus to find the PORTUS_SECRET_KEY_BASE and PORTUS_PORTUS_PASSWORD values used when the container was created. This will allow you to recreate the container using the existing database and maintain the correct portus user password (which is also stored in the database).

Step 6: Configure Portus

The first time you access the Portus web interface at https://your.registry.fqdn you will be prompted to create the initial admin user.

After the initial admin user is created, you will need to configure access to the Registry. You can use any value for the name. Use your.registry.fqdnfor the URL (do not specify a port) and check the Enable SSL box.